Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Blizzard staff talked about Diablo 3 best booty

The items have been the core of the Diablo series, and players during the game should be more or less played over a lot of the best equipment. But sometimes, the most valuable to you, or the best, not the glittering legend, but at some point give you the most impressive equipment.

A player talked about the best booty, said that only a package items. Although meaningless for him, but he felt it was the best booty. The Community Manager Grimiku best booty is the deputy of a witch doctor has a strange name.

About the best booty

What the quality of the line, what are you out?

I should be the first set of items I am in the process of the Diablo 3 gaming experience, Kane recalled. While this is a completely useless things, but it is the most valuable thing in my warehouse.

I was the most precious thing is called Traveling Snake items, I simply just liked the name. Whenever I open the items bar to see it, I think of my grandfather's generation people say, "No, no, no, this is my ideal snake, good reception bird traveling snake!" Perhaps this stems for me not so funny.

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