Saturday, November 3, 2012

Prepare for ancient 3 DNF outsider resist magic value calculation tools 3.0

Difficulty requirements resistance mana

The ancient 2 outsider: (ordinary / brave)

Ordinary requirements n: 200 adventure-class e: 250 the warriors-level m: 300 king class k: 350

Ancient 3 new outsider:

Ordinary requirements n: 350 adventure level e: the 500 warriors grade m: 650 king class k: 800

Resistance mana role:

Requirements resist magic herein, does not mean less than this value can not enter, but, below this value will be the ability of punishment. Such as 50 against magic characters into normal difficulty outsider, his hp, mp, attack power will be reduced to about 60% (specific value is uncertain).

Of course, the relative resist magic value higher than the requirements of Magic Resistance values ??to some extent, to enter the copy, you can get the appropriate reward. Such as resistance to the magic figure of 270, the k Figure hp, mp, attack power increased by 3%. Into n Figure, will be increased by 19%.

In the characters to resist magic with the requirements resistance mana almost do not replace equipment or replace equipment after you die, resurrection. Will be punished.

Example 1, 230 to resist the magic of the red-eye was originally to take ancient weapons, change Yaodao, first because of the change Yaodao Resist Magic a 63-65 mp, hp, attack power significantly weakened. Secondly, when the 2 weapon switch back to ancient resist magic value back to 230, but mp hp attack force did not improve, and may even reduce more.

Example 2, 80 resistance mana figures, picked up a ring, put on after, resist magic into a 90, but mp hp attack force even decline.

This two cases has not proved to be a bug or punishment rules exist, so try not to arbitrarily replace equipment.

Of course, if it is 280 resist magic brush normal difficulty, the replacement of the two equipment will not change anything.

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