Monday, November 5, 2012

The most easy to be seckilled map in the top ten in DNF

The fog Heryis-sniper Yilig

Only recently a new map, belonging to the ordinary map. Have two green name seckill players, one sniper, one that poison, sniper hit the red circle die, and poison gas I personally think that some professional threat, such as the Necro summon machinery, such screen mess, really do not know.

Tower of Death - Death Ternaya

Death Taree famous monsters, many players are his seckilled, the probability is relatively low, but the effect on the direct death. The players are seckilled very depressed, because it reflects the RP. Tower of Death now relatively simple to over, but each player had her kill.

Doubts Village - Witch Ajarllo

Hero Witch Figure is I do not want to fight, because that avatar, your equipment, the better his injuries, the higher, and you basically can not kill him, seconds frustration, each time with the resurrection currency hard resistance. This diagram also has quite a good fight, Grapller, Poison Ivy and the class the strong control Occupational like RBI.

Lament cave - insect king kill poison

If you do not see the level, sorrow or I think one of the hardest map. boss if there are disappointments he toppled then circling it kill, but note that the point is not likely to be hit. Another place is the 3 that three little monsters, hurt less than those few monsters are out, the consequences. . . .

Ruins of the king - Light Ward slightly Adams

Although the remains of the ancient map, but the level is too low, everyone soon had plans.

I think the more difficult is the light knight, a bit summon objects or team, then it is easy to be continuous lightning vertigo seckill.

Ghost train - Djinn Brooklyn

Find it hard to play when newly hatched ghost train very domineering, the BOSS ghost avatar is hit will be seconds, now do not know the players more blood Brooklyn attack force low, sometimes hit or not die, but also left some blood.

The Bill marks empire experimental field

Mechanical cow is also the earliest ancient map, revised several times, there was a version blew only play half of the blood of others, the new version of the mechanical cow Crazy Ivan Colonel blew can seckill task seckilled several times. Course, 70 to go RCC is may not be dead.

Pursuit of the war of annihilation Dr. Syjier

The steel broken Stone heaven abyss most advanced graph, the most disgusting Figure Assault soldiers Mellon miss. boss the mechanical Sai Jier Dr. have certain second person capacity, his assault and bomb damage is high, the I was seckilled several times.

Gerber Lin Wangguo - giant clockwork Creek

The last talk outsider Figure outsider certainly DNF hardest dungeons. Gerber Lin Wangguo In fact, with a lot of places are more likely to die, 1 white coat, machine 2 Figure 3 Figure of Wally are likely to be seconds. However, the easiest mistakes or Goblin trap, and believe in the people who died here the most.

The peristaltic City - Soul of lizards

Fact, peristaltic 1 is inserted two direct seckill, unless you solve the curse. The lizard Soul peristalsis of the easiest mistakes, mistakes have to die or see fit not sure they could not bear the resurrection currency, or normal fight, although slow.

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