Saturday, December 29, 2012

New players confused: Diablo 3 gold in the end what to play?

       A quite typical play Diablo 3 gold series in the end is what? Deceptively simple rules of the game and limited content set, Why is it worth so many players over the years so obsessed? Once KM / KP to today brush key brush legend, in the end in the pursuit of what? Cheap Diablo 3 gold
     Now it seems that Blizzard seems to appear in this regard some development group is too obvious attempt to rely on the leveling / attribute to extend the player's game time. First, the role of higher level, then the higher the difficulty of the game, these seemingly very reasonable traditional set is really suitable for Diablo 3 gold series of games? Compared to the previous series, we do not see the level / degree of difficulty over many articles, a time of balance adjustment can make all the players never tired of addicted to the game, but this simple fun seems to disappear from the game. Diablo 3 gold just the past six months, the future still has a long way to go in accordance with the present mode, how to do in the future?
    We assume might happen, the PVP appears from the game's release to join the battle and still continuing players should have been very close to the peak level, and the PVP middle Blizzard will again bring a new concept of hierarchy, you need continue to win in the battle to improve your combat level (this level in the eyes of the players more than the pinnacle level with the strength of representative), and this victory is required according to the proportion of sustained, once you are out of combat cycle, then your level drops , so you can hold your rankings.      These assumptions, but it looks like it is consistent with some of the ideas of the development group. They are currently more likely to rely on distant goal to retain players, rather than the core game mechanics.
Figures will eventually boring, retain the players will be the game's content and rich interpersonal circle, players need the game more realistic social communication experience and the success of the road, instead of 11 like Repeat superimposed.
    Wow now seems also to start such a problem, rising from the original T-series, and then upgrade to later by additional material, and even a version with the same can upgrade several times, the real game is part of the rich connotation be leading ignored (for example, a huge world and memorable low-level tasks), players from the outset, been instilling the idea of ??eventually those "beautiful digital work. Diablo 3 Gold For Sale
     Players can constantly adjust the target to extend the enthusiasm of a game, such as achievement, with a variety of equipment appearance, finish off the play with both hands with one hand, and so on, but the real key is that Blizzard how to guide, important figures or important content. A simple example, the Internet has a lot of wow memories activities, but you will find that players can recall from the always full of emotion, full of fun tasks, such as love and family, etc., but very few people would say, I have DPS reached XXX, etc..
Like the role of the expert mode, when you start desperately pursuit final graduation moment, death has far to hope that future versions can bring us more surprises! (1)

    Players Tlegend: I just contacted Diablo 3 gold Diablo series, not played before Diablo 3 gold2, but I play a lot of World of Warcraft, and played with a lot of other RPG games.
    I am now 54, is hit the Hell difficulty A2. I would like to know what to do in the end I rose to 60 after. I studied a lot of information, but there are a few points to make me a bit confused.
First of all, I did not simply continue to play it until I ran into a bottleneck, that is to say, I found that the killing began to become very difficult? I have a feeling I will be somewhere in the purgatory difficulty encountered this bottleneck. Once hit a bottleneck, and that it is time to upgrade their farm to buy some gold coins or equipment. I do not care about this kind of complicated things when I play wow often one thing to repeat repeat repeat, has long been accustomed to.
    Farm it is not the main bottlenecks encountered in purgatory players do it? I assume the hell do not need me to go to farm more difficult.
I just want to be able to get some "Diablo 3 gold play to the last in the end is what the answer to this question and guidance. I do not care what others say this game is very rotten, or that it is just a need to have the brush has been brushed repeated stuff. I just like doing repeated things, and this is the reason I bought the game. I'm just not sure that in the end how to specifically achieve.
    At the same time, I have been constantly listening to others talk about Super BOSS purgatory devices, keys, etc., who can explain to me down in the end what is this stuff?
     Finally, I hope I can get many answer! Thank you very much for my novice help!

Monday, November 5, 2012

The most easy to be seckilled map in the top ten in DNF

The fog Heryis-sniper Yilig

Only recently a new map, belonging to the ordinary map. Have two green name seckill players, one sniper, one that poison, sniper hit the red circle die, and poison gas I personally think that some professional threat, such as the Necro summon machinery, such screen mess, really do not know.

Tower of Death - Death Ternaya

Death Taree famous monsters, many players are his seckilled, the probability is relatively low, but the effect on the direct death. The players are seckilled very depressed, because it reflects the RP. Tower of Death now relatively simple to over, but each player had her kill.

Doubts Village - Witch Ajarllo

Hero Witch Figure is I do not want to fight, because that avatar, your equipment, the better his injuries, the higher, and you basically can not kill him, seconds frustration, each time with the resurrection currency hard resistance. This diagram also has quite a good fight, Grapller, Poison Ivy and the class the strong control Occupational like RBI.

Lament cave - insect king kill poison

If you do not see the level, sorrow or I think one of the hardest map. boss if there are disappointments he toppled then circling it kill, but note that the point is not likely to be hit. Another place is the 3 that three little monsters, hurt less than those few monsters are out, the consequences. . . .

Ruins of the king - Light Ward slightly Adams

Although the remains of the ancient map, but the level is too low, everyone soon had plans.

I think the more difficult is the light knight, a bit summon objects or team, then it is easy to be continuous lightning vertigo seckill.

Ghost train - Djinn Brooklyn

Find it hard to play when newly hatched ghost train very domineering, the BOSS ghost avatar is hit will be seconds, now do not know the players more blood Brooklyn attack force low, sometimes hit or not die, but also left some blood.

The Bill marks empire experimental field

Mechanical cow is also the earliest ancient map, revised several times, there was a version blew only play half of the blood of others, the new version of the mechanical cow Crazy Ivan Colonel blew can seckill task seckilled several times. Course, 70 to go RCC is may not be dead.

Pursuit of the war of annihilation Dr. Syjier

The steel broken Stone heaven abyss most advanced graph, the most disgusting Figure Assault soldiers Mellon miss. boss the mechanical Sai Jier Dr. have certain second person capacity, his assault and bomb damage is high, the I was seckilled several times.

Gerber Lin Wangguo - giant clockwork Creek

The last talk outsider Figure outsider certainly DNF hardest dungeons. Gerber Lin Wangguo In fact, with a lot of places are more likely to die, 1 white coat, machine 2 Figure 3 Figure of Wally are likely to be seconds. However, the easiest mistakes or Goblin trap, and believe in the people who died here the most.

The peristaltic City - Soul of lizards

Fact, peristaltic 1 is inserted two direct seckill, unless you solve the curse. The lizard Soul peristalsis of the easiest mistakes, mistakes have to die or see fit not sure they could not bear the resurrection currency, or normal fight, although slow.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Prepare for ancient 3 DNF outsider resist magic value calculation tools 3.0

Difficulty requirements resistance mana

The ancient 2 outsider: (ordinary / brave)

Ordinary requirements n: 200 adventure-class e: 250 the warriors-level m: 300 king class k: 350

Ancient 3 new outsider:

Ordinary requirements n: 350 adventure level e: the 500 warriors grade m: 650 king class k: 800

Resistance mana role:

Requirements resist magic herein, does not mean less than this value can not enter, but, below this value will be the ability of punishment. Such as 50 against magic characters into normal difficulty outsider, his hp, mp, attack power will be reduced to about 60% (specific value is uncertain).

Of course, the relative resist magic value higher than the requirements of Magic Resistance values ??to some extent, to enter the copy, you can get the appropriate reward. Such as resistance to the magic figure of 270, the k Figure hp, mp, attack power increased by 3%. Into n Figure, will be increased by 19%.

In the characters to resist magic with the requirements resistance mana almost do not replace equipment or replace equipment after you die, resurrection. Will be punished.

Example 1, 230 to resist the magic of the red-eye was originally to take ancient weapons, change Yaodao, first because of the change Yaodao Resist Magic a 63-65 mp, hp, attack power significantly weakened. Secondly, when the 2 weapon switch back to ancient resist magic value back to 230, but mp hp attack force did not improve, and may even reduce more.

Example 2, 80 resistance mana figures, picked up a ring, put on after, resist magic into a 90, but mp hp attack force even decline.

This two cases has not proved to be a bug or punishment rules exist, so try not to arbitrarily replace equipment.

Of course, if it is 280 resist magic brush normal difficulty, the replacement of the two equipment will not change anything.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Blizzard staff talked about Diablo 3 best booty

The items have been the core of the Diablo series, and players during the game should be more or less played over a lot of the best equipment. But sometimes, the most valuable to you, or the best, not the glittering legend, but at some point give you the most impressive equipment.

A player talked about the best booty, said that only a package items. Although meaningless for him, but he felt it was the best booty. The Community Manager Grimiku best booty is the deputy of a witch doctor has a strange name.

About the best booty

What the quality of the line, what are you out?

I should be the first set of items I am in the process of the Diablo 3 gaming experience, Kane recalled. While this is a completely useless things, but it is the most valuable thing in my warehouse.

I was the most precious thing is called Traveling Snake items, I simply just liked the name. Whenever I open the items bar to see it, I think of my grandfather's generation people say, "No, no, no, this is my ideal snake, good reception bird traveling snake!" Perhaps this stems for me not so funny.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

5.1 Wyvern and Gryphon model to modify the new horse Herd

It is time to do something about it! Accompany everyone Wyvern and Gryphon model from the 1960s onwards, finally has been modified in the 5.1 patch:

Also attach new mounts and small pets each one:
New horse - Herd:

New small pet - mechanical tiger cub:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diablo 3 players works: Halloween witch doctor

A player in the official website forum posting the witch doctors Cosplay Figure, and the the community manager Vaeflare praise.

The Cosplay derived from the Instructables websites. The players andysmeech making Halloween witch doctor makeup! Let us enjoy it!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Magic Valley Mountain treasure trove of DK tanks experience attached team details of the deal analysis

Talent equipped

Equipped Spirit play a bug, even miss the blood back and shield, in theory, as long as no brains heap endurance proficient like, but I still tend to each 7.5% of the full life cooked to sooner or later will be corrected, and secondly in order to maximize the DPS. Meet life cooked premise maximize the endurance proficient, the flash trick for the version of the initial heap heap no where to go, you can not produce a qualitative change.

Talent lazy-take-all talent, although convenient, but it is recommended that boss to replace the talent and Glyph cheap and affordable. Following each boss I will give my opinion, the most appropriate mix.

Team members

Death knight blood / frost

The Knight Protection / Retribution

Knight disciplinary / sacred

Thieves fighting / sharp

The hunter survival / shooting

The warlock destruction / demons

The Master Mage fire / arcane

Druid quail / wood

Shaman Elemental / restore

Pastor Shadow / precepts / sacred

No. 1 Stone Guard

1. The four lions skills MT, you should not eat injury, maneuvers flash turn the basic skills of a tank, remember when the purple water and blue circles take place to consider melee hit back.

2. Circumvent good skills, the boss of the tank main source of harm is bleeding debuf, so equipped should be proficient in endurance-based talent Recommended Layer 3 deaths footsteps convenient post moves, layer 4 deaths the siphon also very good with.

3. Point out the siphon circulation compared playing pick 4 2 Spirit siphon and then again 2 Spirit hit, so the cycle and the siphon can wash to the other side of the lion.

4. If you spend most of the time the main anti-two may appear around the purple water too much, Green Dam can be opened directly go to the past, the damage is not the way to reply the next Rune energy.

Other career highlights:

If the team XD if remember optimistic about the opportunity to use groups Sprint critical moment wonders around the purple water to hide cryosphere pull the fire chain.

 NO.2  Curse magic seal

1. Second child is also a lunch, tanks division of labor is required for MT and ST, carry out their duties. Out of the lower left corner of the small circle in the middle position is the use of reflective shield for ST, the lower right corner is the use of protective cover MT.

2. If you MT remember back to the crowd a good protective cover to can to eliminate all DEBUF and injury, recommended 246 rounds in accordance with the order of the RL distribution, so that every time the transfer phase can guarantee all clear debuf.

3. If you ST remember two things, Lightning boxing appears Remind MT to eat, only eat you can steal the lightning punches, then spotted the boss read Article interrupted earthquake, can significantly reduce the treatment burden and improve team DPS , of course, the ordinary hard brush but H2 sooner or later will be better in the practice. Once the skills to steal succeeded boss with CD MT open hood 246 you steal should be 135.

4. The boss wants to play high early eaten ST whole not-for-T pit dead MT and nanny, P1 P2 to steal guns P3 steal Shock stole the lightning whip, do not ask me the P1 interrupted earthquake swollen I do my Day parade , the best time of the army is the P3 open bloodthirsty good to eat.

5. Here recommended point talent second layer of anti-magic field for damage reduction team focused stations, as well as the sixth layer of cold winter.

6. Following Vice Tanzania macro the target boss convenient output point the macro to steal the main tank debuf, Note steal when you do not move the.

/ Tar mt name

/ Click ExtraActionButton1

/ Targetlasttarget

Other career highlights:

If the team has MS, then remember optimistic about the opportunity to use jump devout, to pull you short legs MT a 5 Tanqueray leg shortest Xue Dick earthquake need to open the protective cover!

P3 remote are dispersed upon afraid, if the point the DZ direct cloak the two debuf can directly clear.

No. 3 wraith Gela Ya

1. Door sequence schedule of what their own to see the Raiders, here is the 2 tanks, 2 milk, brush can not afford to go to practice tactics, the most important in terms of tanks damage reduction chain arrangements!

2. The two tanks will take turns anti-boss turns exiled into the infield, infield destroyed soul tear can be no difficulty not to mention, a focus on the field: Tanzania 1DPS1 milk will voodoo doll, and you are subject to 70% of the damage will two teammates, dolls dead can not just blame the treatment of the brush can not afford tanks require reasonable arrangements to reduce injury. Note: boss In addition to Pugong left hook right hook Shadow damage.

3. Then the situation is quite clear, talent points out of second line anti-magic field (one more spell damage reduction technology), weapons the FM replaced with 4% spell deflection, more seriously if you can replace the colorful.

4. My damage reduction chain order: stage before Pugong points doll (spiritual fight + Bone Shield) - the doll named Pugong stage (Rune dance then mysterious cattle card) - Shadow boxing (green cover) - The other two dolls began to DOT (Frozen + free health capsules) - 3 Dolls blood line is too low, the reason for such arrangements is because there are bound to be during a treatment into the infield, brush in his fastest full point out before a period of a single treatment pressure is very large, shield wall left to this stage.

5.boss body disease can not be broken, it is very important to reduce injury, I never believed that until see real DKT does not make up, I was shocked.

You might need a macro:

The / tar Soul Ripper

/ Script SetRaidTarget ("target", 8);

Note: This macro is convenient and you mark the first time into the infield corresponding strange, smashed directly back to the outfield.

/ Click ExtraActionButton1

This macro is a brush full of blood there is a point to into the infield DPS buttons, cleaned up the mobs must be 30 point, and the sooner come out and be able to multi-RBI boss to avoid six minutes violent.

Other career highlights:

Discipline, animal husbandry shield here can greatly ease the voodoo doll DOT pressure pioneers did MS people burst into tears.

SQ can point out the mercy of the talent line 4, 2 times can give protection to the current T to effectively reduce Pugong injury spare time to brush doll FQ invincible outfield bug like there are 8 seconds of injury free, with the unbeaten Soul of layer 4 talented luck 3 times and are catching up with the rush Guards ah stage simply bastard! DZ Glyph plug in the smoke bomb, of 7 seconds immunization infield mobs Shadow Bolt damage, 3 minute CD can be opened twice.

Within the field of mobs can interrupt the reading section, the treatment can effectively reduce the pressure, of course, the most recommended to go in or quail, SS This bug aoe career.

No. 4 kings of the soul

Is to send fitted king, The easiest Raiders out what to hide what is, except, of course, the war king and tanks share the damage.

1. Four stages for tanks difficulty points worth noting is that the battle king take place to pay attention to the crowd sync mobile bow Wang hide take plunder and mitigation Pugong mad king anger over 70, not too hard of a Note open by injury.

2. The boss the layer 3 deaths talent footsteps as well as layer 6 of Gorefiend grip is will point the reasons explained below.

3. Death footsteps sprinting well make up for the the past the DKT mobility difference deficiencies, on the fourth eldest, mainly to escape the flank against the mad king populations mind control, this time the whole group can attack each other as soon as possible destroyed everyone 30000 damage, if bow King and the Witch King stage two stations of the whole group is certainly more dispersed, this time blood group instant grip pull centralized nirvana, both playing T or DPS should make good use.

Other career highlights:

Department of the pastor of the new skills Halo here is no doubt nirvana, mind control immediately comes MS 20 yards away from the crowd quickly, can be done almost instantaneous release of Halo technology can read the second solution, it is noteworthy need to arrange a DPS alone distant the MS alert and, at the same time the heart control of all stages of DPS Do not use the dot skills. The first heart control completely Mission of dual diseases and poisons + bomb me to utter it.

SS and LR operation bovine B if your group, you can try using tortoise Jun and blue fat monarch to the War of Resistance Against Japan Wang, BB T do not eat AOE damage can ignore war king Shun split, do not need to share so everyone can behind the full output of the bunkers there is no five tanks kneel!

If the operation is not a look back to the boss it loved Do not say I'll teach you.

DKT soared ultrahigh DPS here also has a knack to identify the timing of hard to eat flank combat can get high Revenge, the next skills fully open you know. Wasteland with caution, playing off would be RL spray dead.

No. 5 Eragon

Many corporations card boss most of the problem because DPS is not enough, then as DKT course to our moment to show their talents.

1. Regardless of your main tank or vice Tanzania consciousness out of the first mobs pulled to boss around, you know have two tanks and melee skills can play two, the blood is almost 30% pull out so that arrangements good remote closeout. The P1 stage pressure mobs rhythm.

2. The boss will point talent: the first layer turbulence Blood, the second layer of anti-magic field; recommended talent: Layer 3 frostbite, the 6th floor of the cold winter.

3. Reasonable tactical arrangements 2 T exchange when the body easily hurt debuf should be 10-12 layers to 14 layers DOT will have a big, apparently is the the mobs deal with, or a T Paowei out of the problem.

4. Either blame or change to Tanzania must went to the location and then ridicule, Breath injury to the crowd you deserve to be sprayed into the water T.

5. blood High debuf situation very hurt, arrange your damage reduction order, and then the next one can also open the first round is a five-layer shield wall, the time to pick Green Dam + Vampire to 10 layer open the cover, of course, the middle spiritual fight and shunt blood back to be optimistic about the opportunity to use my personal point here the fifth layer vitality shunt is also easy rhythm.

6. P2 is the moment we shine, give the boss a good double disease, countdown mobs appear, direct blood boiling X3, generally five balls, three blood boiling enough, four dying 5 cold winter, if you do not arrange auxiliary DPS you can time out two consumer debuf, our group DPS gap more so I basically ran out helped fight many individuals less output.

7.The best location in the spread of the disease leading below, a blood boiling infection 6 normal rhythm if we do not remember the X on your infection Glyph.

8.Normal circumstances there will be two P3, the general arrangements for the anti-riding anti-war kite, if the arrangements you remember the ice the touch + blood boiling infection slow down, because the above two I recommend that you point out the frostbite dying Glyph 50% reducer enough. The two P3 boss stomach following open army, one hand in order to protect the population, on the one hand, you can eat the bloodthirsty rushBOSS.

Other career highlights:

The will of the emperor of the 6th

1.Two big man jumped before, you can daze, can also go to DPS for my personal hobby I tend the skilled input / dance.

2. Then twin when not too far away to be directly pulled his crotch, the best position is pulled two stairs, clear vision, but also to the middle of his teammates will not interfere with processing mobs.

3.Five even cut is reserved for the treatment of breathing space and back to the blue of the time, if you are in even knife 50W 1 second DPS and 10% armor loss.

4.This boss most hurt T actually is Pugong stages, knife 1million my basic vampire Rune Shield Wall Dance + mysterious cattle set of cards with CD succession pole into the dancing is victory, worth noting that Huang Wu 3 The minute one, be sure to stay damage reduction skills, the surge in this stage to blame the injury.

5. The middle wave 2 A, tanks also not much help, death-defying playing high DPS.

6. Boss general team now basically steal the little boss, largely rely on two tanks (and perhaps the melee) to perfect dance Get speculative blow, hide an even cut is 5 million damage.

Friday, October 19, 2012

wow5.1 patch new content: Rubbing Empire silk obtain pet

The WOW game designer Jonathan LeCraft Twitter 5.1 patch has a chance to rub Empire Silk pet of imperial moths and Empire silkworms are BOE.

In addition, the 5.1 patch, pet Masters defeated Darkmoon Faire Darkmoon Eye of pets can be obtained.

The Darkmoon Faire facilities - merry-go-round, can get access to the experience and prestige to raise 10% of the buff.